Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The 1990’s or as we called it the nineties were period of modern technology. Computers and internet were being introduced and widely used in this period of time. The internet spread many different cultures from one place to another.Pager were popular at that time, but were replaced by cell phone because cell phones were reduced in size and cheap. United states,Cannada, Australia, and South Korea experienced the economic growth of the decade also many new medicines were introduced to stop HIV. Last of all the nineties were the period when popular singers were introduced such as Elton john, Christina Auilera, Madonna and J-lo.

Three important events

Car crash in 1997

One of the most important event in 1997 is that Princess Diana Dies in Car Crash accident on August 31 in Paris, France. Princess Dianna was driving Mercedes-Benz with Dodi Al Fayed( her boyfriend), bodyguard , and chauffer. Princes Diana survived from the car crash, but she died later on in the hospital. The news of death of Princess Diana shocked the world!


Ebola Virus

Spreads in Zaire in the year 1995

This virus got its name form the river in Zaire, Africa. In July 1995, about 316 people were reported and 78% died (245).People were sent to hospitals and it cause a great spread Ebola in hospitals in Kikwit, 50 hospital staff died because of the Ebola fever.The Ebola virus first spread from animals to human, but later on scientists discovered that the Ebola virus spread by contact with fluids such as blood.


Channel Tunnel Opens, Connecting Britain and France in 1994

The tunnel is 50.450 km long it is beneath the english channel and it is connected to Coquelles in the northern France .It was a giant project and it was finished in 1994.


Important people

Nelson mandela

Nelson Mandela is a very important person because he became the first black president of South Africa. He spent about 27 years in prison fighting with the apartheid, system that separates people according to caste and skin color.He receives more than a hundred awards ,one of the most memorable award was the noble price in 1993.


Benazir Bhutto

Benazir Bhutto represents the idea of feminism, she was the first women to be the president of Pakistan


Bill gates

Bill gates,the founder of microsoft corporation .He became the world richest private individual in the year 1995 with £8.3 billion and also the rise of Microsoft in this year was unstoppable.


Technological improvements

World wide
World wide web was born in the year 1992, which change the way of living such as communicating ,people nowadays use email and also to do business like commercial.By the year 1994 3 million people were online!


Microsof window 3.0

Microsoft window 3.o In 1990 , Microsoft window releases a new window version 3.0 and it sells close to thirty million copies in a year. It can store memory up to about 640 k and it looks much better compare to the version number 2.0 .It allows you to change your background color and files can be easily manage. Last of all Solitaire, the card game is now included .


Important scienctific discoveries

Scientists Clone Sheep in the year 1997 . In Scotland, the first sheep was being cloned, Dolly. It was one of the most important scientific discoveries in the 20th century. Dr. Ian Wilmut said that this technique could be used to clone human too!


Famous musician

Elton john

Elton john was one of the most successful singers in the 20th century. One of his most important song was “ candle in the wind ” .Candle in the wind is actually release in the year 1993,but Elton John remake it in the year 1997 as a tribute to the death of Princess Diana and he renamed it “Goodbye England's Rose.


Famous book

Number the stars

Number the Stars by Lois Lowry won a Newbery Award in the year 1990. The main character of this movie is Annemarie Johansen and it is based on Lois's real life friend, Annelise. She used this role to bring some awareness during the Holocaust period to help a Jewish family escape.


Famous movie

One of the most famous movies in the 20th century is Titanic. Titanic have won 11 Academy Awards and also 4 award from Golden Globe Award.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Hi everyone !